Troubleshooting Scheduling Errors

The following are answers to Frequently Asked Questions about how to troubleshoot common errors or error messages in Sched Dev. Often error messages are displayed in red. Here are some tips on how to resolve common errors. If you don't find the answer to your CCLP question, try putting a keyword or phrase into the Search CCLP field (in the upper right corner) and press Return, or you can submit an idea for a FAQ.

Q: How to Resolve the Invalid Act Type Error (Invalid Prim Act Type)
By default when you create a new Sched Dev record, the Primary Activity Type is set to value of the Primary Activity Type of the selected Cat Dev revision. The Invalid Act Type error can result under the following conditions:

  • If the Cat Dev revision has a value other than LEC, SEM, LAB, FLD, STU, IND, FLI, STI, or LBI you will see the red error message Invalid Prim Act Type displayed on the Scheduling tabbed area of Sched Dev.
  • If a valid primary activity type (of LEC, SEM, LAB, FLD, STU, IND, FLI, STI, or LBI) is specified in Cat Dev but the Prim checkbox is not checked in Cat Dev, then when you create a Sched Dev record the Primary Activity Type in Sched Dev will be set to UNK. This will result in the Invalid Act Type error.
  • If the Primary Activity Type in Sched Dev is not typed in upper case, the Invalid Act Type error will appear.
To change the value of the Primary Activity Type in Sched Dev:
  1. Click on the Scheduling tabbed area.

  2. Click on the value directly under the Act Type field heading. In upper case, type in the value of the Primary Activity Type that corresponds to the value for the corresponding Cat Dev record (LEC, SEM, LAB, FLD, STU, IND, FLI, STI, or LBI). The Primary Activity Type must be typed in upper case.

  3. The error should go away.

Please verify the value of the Primary Activity Type in the related Cat Dev record as well. A valid Primary Activity Type value must be specified in the Cat Dev record, and on the same row as the Primary Activity Type the Is Prim checkbox must be checked. Valid Primary Acrtivity Types are: LEC, SEM, LAB, FLD, STU, IND, FLI, STI, and LBI

Q: How to Resolve the Invalid Act Type Error (Invalid Sec Act Type)
By default when you create a new secondary section for a Sched Dev record, the Activity Type for the secondary section is set to UNK and it needs to be changed to a valid activity type for secondary sections (DIS, LBS, FLS, or STS). To change the value of the Secondary Activity Type in Sched Dev:

  1. Click on the Scheduling tabbed area.

  2. Click on the Expand Meeting Times link (directly under the Schedule Comments area). This will display more secondary sections.

  3. Examine the secondary section records and look at the Act Type value (far right) for each section letter. Any Act Type values that are not equal to DIS, LBS, FLS, or STS (for example UNK) are causing the Invalid Sec Act Type error. Make sure all secondary sections have one of the following values in the Act Type field (DIS, LBS, FLS,  or STS). The Secondary Section Activity Type must be in upper case.

  4. The error should go away.

  5. To close the window of the Expand Meeting Times window, click Save & Close.

Q: Error message: Can't Modify Field, Record is Locked
Divisional Curriculum Analysts have the ability to lock a term's scheduling for their division. This enables them to review the scheduling prior to the Batch Scheduling without additional changes being made during the schedule review. In the case of a crosslisted course, if the department of record is in the division with the locked term then the associated department(s) on the crosslisting also will not be able to modify the Sched Dev record while it is locked.

Q: What Does Pending Sync Mean?
The Pending Sync status indicates that the Sched Dev record is waiting to be synced with AIS. Here are some examples of common situations where you would see the Pending Sync status:

  • Sched Dev records for a term that has not yet been published in the Schedule of Classes all classes will have a pending status.
  • Sched Dev records that are waiting for a one-off to be processed in AIS will have a pending status.
  • Sched Dev records that are waiting for a course to be approved in AIS will have a pending status.

Q: How to Resolve the Incorrect Day or Time (Error Message)
The Incorrect Day or Time error message can happen for the following reasons:

  • the Start Time field value has no AM or PM (the time needs to indicate AM or PM)
  • the Start Time field value has a carriage return. To check for this, clear out the value in the Start Time field (highlight the field, press Delete, then retype the Start Time value).
  • the Start Time field value has an extra space in between the time and AM or PM (e.g. 10:00 AM)
  • the End Time has no AM or PM (the time needs to indicate AM or PM)
  • the End Time has a carriage return. To check for this, clear out the value in the End Time field (highlight the field, press Delete, then retype the End Time value).
  • the End Time field value has an extra space in between the time and AM or PM (e.g. 11:10 AM)

If the error persists, try clearing the value in the field by selecting the field then press Delete, then retype the time value. If you still need assistance, contact Corinne at

Q: How to Resolve the Error Message Class/Sect Scheduled Multiple Times
This error message appears if the class primary section number is scheduled multiple times. Choose another primary section number and this error message will go away. For example, if you have two section 01 records for the same course number and year/term offered you would get this error.

Q: How to Resolve the Error Message Proj Enroll Can't Be Blank
The Projected Enrollment must be greater than 0. Once you enter a value that is greater than 0 the error will disappear.

Q: How to Resolve the Error Message AIS Init Enroll Can't Be Blank
The AIS Initial Enrollment must have a value of 0 or greater (but it cannot be blank). Once you enter a value that is 0 or greater the error will disappear.

Q: How to Resolve the Error Message Total Instructor Allocation Greater Than 100 Percent
If you have more than one instructor who is teaching a course (on one Sched Dev record) and the total allocation is greater than 100 percent you will receive this message. The sum of the individual instructor allocations can not exceed 100 percent (the exception is if you have a one-off that is waiting to be processed). To resolve this error:

  1. Set the individual instructor allocations so the sum of all instructors on the Sched Dev record totals 100 percent.
  2. For example, if you have two instructors and each are teaching 50 percent, you would set the allocation of each instructor to .5 (you need to type the decimal value not the percentage value otherwise you receive an error).

Q: How to Resolve the Error Message Inaccurate Paying Dept
If an invalid departmental acronym is used for the paying department (for an instructor, TA/CA, or Reader/Tutor), the error message Inaccurate Paying Dept will appear. For a listing of departments, click the All Depts Popup. Failure to enter a valid department acronym in th Paying Dept field will prevent the cost from showing up on a department's cost report in addition to the 3 column report.

Q: How to Resolve the Error Message Lg Room Choice #'s Incorrect.
The large room choices must appear in sequential order otherwise an error will result. Here are some scenarios:

  • For example, if a user indictaes a room choice with choice 3 and there is only one room choice, the user will see the red warning Lg Room Choice #'s Incorrect. If there is only one room choice, the Choice number should be 1.
  • If there are two room choices, the first room choice is 1 and the second is room choice 3, the red warning Lg Room Choice #'s Incorrect will appear. To correct this, make sure the room choices are in sequential order.
  • If each choice number is 1, the the red warning Lg Room Choice #'s Incorrect will appear. To correct this, make sure the room choices are in sequential order (e.g. 1, 2, 3).

To indicate the Choice number, click the cell under the Choice column (and select the next sequential number).

Q: How to Resolve the Error Message on the TAs/CAs tabbed Area: There is Already a Class Personnel Record for This Class With This Value!
The CCLP enables you to only add one class personnel record for a given TA or CA on the TAs/CAs tabbed area. If you have a placeholder TA or CA, the CCLP will not allow you to enter the same CruzID on multiple lines. Instead to indicate that you have multiple placeholder TA or placeholder CA records multiply the allocation value by the number of individuals. For example, if you need to indicate that there will be two placeholder TAs, multiply the default allocation of .5 times 2 and enter the value 1 for the allocation. This indicates that there are two TAships. When you receive this error message, click the Revert Record button, then adjust the allocation value as mentioned above.

Q: How to Resolve the Error Message: Can't Delete This Secondary Section
This message will appear if you attempt to delete a secondary section that is not the last secondary section (the one with the highest letter). See the instructions listed in the FAQ on How to Delete a Secondary Section.

Q: How to Resolve the Error Message: CruzIDs that have already been sent to AIS cannot be modified.
This error message will appear if you have started a one-off and try to modify the CruzID on a Sched Dev record. Rather than modifying the CruzID on a Sched Dev record, mark the instructor record for delete, then on the next line select a new instructor from the dropdown list.

Q: When Creating a New Sched Dev Record and Selecting a Year Term Offered from the New Class Yr Term Choice dialog box, I Get the Error no values defined
This error message will appear if the Year-Term value is not a Year-Term value listed in the Select Year dropdown list on the CCLP Welcome screen. If instead of selecting a year from the Select Year dropdown list of the CCLP Welcome screen but you typed in a value (e.g. 2020), this will cause the error no values defined to appear when you attempt to select a value from the Year-Term field of the New Class Yr Term Choice dialog box. From the CCLP Welcome screen you must select an academic year from the Select Year drop-down list.

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