Other Cat Dev/Catalog Related Topics

The following are Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about other topics related to Cat Dev functionality. If you don't find the answer to your CCLP question, try putting a keyword or phrase into the Search CCLP field (in the upper right corner) and press Return or you can submit an idea for a FAQ.For information on the interaction between CCLP and the new Curriculum Approval  and Tracking system (CAT), see the document CCLP/Curriculum Approval and Tracking (CAT) Interaction

Q: How do I indicate that a Cat Dev record is taught in conjunction?
The Taught in Conjunction field is on the Enrollment tabbed area of Cat Dev. It should be used to indicate one or more courses that are taught in conjunction with the selected course. When the field is filled in the Taught In Conjunction checkbox will be selected.

Note: a taught in conjunction course is different from a crosslisted course. Typically a taught in conjunction course pertains to an upper division course that will be taught with a graduate level course (usually from the same subject). Taught in conjunction courses may also be crosslisted courses.

To indicate that a course is taught in conjunction:

  1. Go to the Enrollment tabbed area for the Cat Dev record

  2. Enter the Subject and Course Number of the course that is taught in conjunction (e.g. ANTH 120).

When a Cat Dev record has a value in the Taught In Conjunction field, the Taught In Conjunction field is also checked in Sched Dev records for that catalog record and is flagged in reports. You may find the FAQ on how to schedule taught in conjunction courses useful.

Q: How do I delete a Cat Dev revision that I just created but I do not need?
A: See How to Delete a Cat Dev Revision.

Q: What is a taught in conjunction course?
A taught in conjunction course is a course that is taught with another course that is a different course level. Each course may have different coursework and prerequisites. For example a course may be lower level and is taught in conjunction with a course that is upper level (e.g. 020 with 120). A course may be upper level and is taught in conjunction with a course that is graduate level. Each course is a distinct catalog record. In the CCLP each course would have different Cat Dev records. To indicate that a course is a taught in conjunction course you would indicate on the Enrollment tabbed area of the Cat Dev record that the course is taught in conjunction, by indicating the other course (see Create a Taught In Conjunction Course). To verify whether your course should be a taught in conjunction course or a crosslisted course, we recommend that you speak with the Classroom Scheduling Team in the Office of the Registrar.

Q: What is a crosslisted course?
A crosslisted course is a course that shares its catalog record with another course. The two courses must be of the same course level, for example an upper level course with another upper level course. The two courses have the same course work but may have different prerequisites. To create a crosslisted course you click on the Xlisting tab in Cat Dev (for specific instructions see Making an Existing Course a Crosslisted Course). To verify whether your course should be a crosslisted course or should be a taught in conjunction course, we recommend that you speak with the Classroom Scheduling Team in the Office of the Registrar.

Q: Which department is the department of record on a crosslisted course?
When looking at the Cat Dev record, the Offr # field value (in the upper left corner) indicates if the department listed is the department of record or not. A value of 1 in the numerator of the Offr # field (e.g num/total) indicates the selected departemnt is the department of record. If the numerator is greater than 1 then the selected department is an associated department on the Cat Dev record. The department of record is the department that submits the course for approval and any course revisions for approval. Also only the department of record can select the course for scheduling from the Sched Dev dropdown list of courses (associated departments will not see the course in the dropdown list of courses in Sched Dev).

Q: What are activity values?
Activity values classify the catalog record as a course type. Each Cat Dev record should have a Primary Activity Value and if relevant a Secondary Activity Value. See below for a list of valid Primary and Secondary Activity Values.

Q: What are valid primary activity values?
The valid primary activity values are as follows:

  • LEC (Lecture)
  • SEM (Seminar)
  • LAB (Lab)
  • STU (Studio)
  • FLD (Field)
  • IND (Independent Studies)
  • LBI (Independent Studies Lab)
  • STI (Independent Studies Studio)
  • FLI (Independent Studies Field)
Note: By default the Activity Value is set to UNK (which stands for Unknown). All Cat Dev records should have a valid Primary Activity Value. To select a Primary Activity Value, select one of the above values from the dropdown list. To indicate that the Activity Value is a Primary Activity Value, check the Primary checkbox.

Q: Is it necessary to enter a Primary Activity Value for a Cat Dev record?
By default when you create a Cat Dev record the Primary Activity Value is set to UNK (for unknown). It is necessary to select a valid Primary Activity Value from the dropdown list.

Failure to select a Primary Activity Value will impact any Sched Dev records for that Cat Dev record. It is also necessary to click the Prim checkbox for the indicated Primary Activity Value. This informs Sched Dev that the activity type is the Primary Activity Value (as opposed to a Secondary Activity Value). Failure to indicate indicate a Primary Activity Value and check the Prim checkbox will cause the Sched Dev record to have UNK set as the Activity Value.

Q: What happens if I don't select a Primary Activity Value for a Cat Dev record?
Failure to select a Primary Activity Value will impact any Sched Dev records for that Cat Dev record (UNK is the default value but it is not a valid Primary Activity Value). It is also necessary to click the Prim checkbox for the indicated Primary Activity Value. This informs Sched Dev that the activity type is the Primary Activity Value (as opposed to a Secondary Activity Value). Failure to indicate indicate a Primary Activity Value and check the Prim checkbox will cause the Sched Dev record to have UNK set as the Activity Value.

Q: What are valid secondary activity values?
The valid secondary activity values are as follows:

  • DIS (Discussion)
  • LBS (Secondary Lab)
  • STS (Secondary Studio)
  • FLS (Secondary Field)

Secondary Activity Values, if pertinent, should be indicated below the indicated Primary Activity Value on the Cat Dev record. To select a Secondary Activity Value, select one of the above values from the dropdown list.

Q: How to Compare a Cat Dev and AIS Cat Record for the Same Course
You can use the AIS Reconciliation screen to compare a Cat Dev revision for a course with its matched AIS Cat record. The AIS Reconciliation button is on the bottom right of the buttons on the Cat Dev screen. Cat Dev records that are not matched with an AIS Cat record cannot be reconciled. If a Cat Dev record is matched with an AIS Cat record there will be a record listed when youi click the AIS Cat tabbed area on the Cat Dev record.

The AIS Reconciliaton feature enables you to see a comparison of the attributes of a matching Cat Dev record and AIS Cat record. It also enables you to copy some field values from the AIS Cat record to the matching Cat Dev record.

When using the AIS Reconciliaton feature to compare a matched catalog record in Cat Dev and AIS Cat, make sure they are the same course number and have an effective year term and effective date that are in the same timeframe.

Cat Dev records that have revisions that have yet to be incorporated into AIS Cat should not be reconciled with AIS Cat. For example, if the Cat Dev revision has an effective year term of Fall 2014 and the matching AIS Cat record has an effective date of Fall 2012 these are not comparable records and a reconciliation should not be performed. This is because the revision(s) made in the Cat Dev record have yet to be made in AIS Cat.

Q: What are the New GE code values?
The New General Education codes (New GE codes) are as follows:

  • C1 (composition)
  • C2 (composition)
  • CC (cross-cultural
  • ER (ethnicity and race
  • SI (scientific inquiry)
  • SR (statistical reasoning)
  • IM (interpreting arts and media)
  • PE-E (perspectives: environmental awareness
  • PE-H (perspectives: human behavior)
  • PE-T (perspectives: technology and society)
  • PR-E (practice: collaborative endeavor)
  • PR-C (practice: creative process)
  • PR-S (practice: service learning)
  • MF (mathematics and formal reasoning)
  • TA (textual analysis and interpretation)

Please note that the former GE codes are no longer in use.

Q: Where can I find detailed information about the General Education (GE) requirements?
To view detailed information about the General Education requirements, see General Education Requirements.

Q: Where can I find information on courses that fulfill General Education (GE) requirements?
See courses that fulfill General Education requirements.

Q: What are the TIE code values?
The TIE code values are as follows:

  • 01 Conference E
  • 02 Fieldwork—Research I
  • 03 Fieldwork—Skills/Techniques T
  • 04 Individualized Instruction E
  • 05 Internship I
  • 06 Laboratory—Research I
  • 07 Laboratory—Skills/Techniques T
  • 08 Lecture T
  • 09 Lecture plus Supplementary Activity T
  • 11 Practicum I
  • 12 Practicum—Teaching I
  • 13 Project I
  • 14 Seminar—Research/Creative Development I
  • 15 Seminar—Topical T
  • 16 Studio—Production/Creative Development I

Q: About the Catalog Interface Between AIS and CCLP
There is also a nightly catalog feed from AIS to CCLP. The nightly catalog feed updates the AIS Cat area of CCLP, and when possible it creates a link from an AIS Cat record to a Cat Dev record. A link between an AIS Cat catalog record for an effective date has a potential match with a Cat Dev record when all of the conditions below are true:

  • The course offerings match (that indicate if a catalog record is crosslisted or not)
  • The department and subject match
  • The course number matches
  • The Effective Year Term (EffYrTerm) of the Cat Dev revision is greater than or equal to the Effective Date of the AIS Cat catalog revision.

The nightly catalog feed from AIS to CCLP does not update Cat Dev data with AIS Cat information except to update the AIS Cat ID field when a match exists between the AIS Cat record and the Cat Dev record. Users can update some field data in Cat Dev from the matching AIS Cat record by using the AIS Reconciliation functionality (a button on the right side of the Cat Dev screen). 

Q: The AIS Reconciiation Screen Seems Locked
We are aware that on a very intermitten basis the AIS Reconciliation Screen can lock up but we have been unable to reproduce the problem with consistency. If this happens to you please notify Corinne so she can step you through the workaround. Please indicate the Department, Subject, and Course Number of the course you are having trouble with. The workaround is as follows:

  1. On the AIS Reconciliation Screen, click the Mark As Mismatch button.
  2. From the dialog box, click Confirm.
  3. Now try closing the AIS Reconciliation Screen. It should close.
  4. Please contact Corinne and indicate the Department, Subject, and Course Number of the course you are having trouble with so she can adjust the Cat Dev record to remove the mismatch flag.

Q: What is Meant by the Error "No Prim Act Value Chosen?"
That error indicates that you have not selected a primary activity type value. The valid primary activity type values are LEC, SEM, LAB, FLD, STU, IND, FLI, STI, LBI. The checkbox to the right of the primary activity value must be checked.

Q: What is Meant by the Disciplinary Communication code (DC)?
For information about Disciplinary Communication see Disciplinary Communication.

Q: What is Meant by Satisfies AH and Institutions Req?
When checked this indicates that the course meets the American History and Institutions requirement. Every candidate for a bachelor’s degree must demonstrate knowledge of American history and institutions.

Q: What is the Cat Dev Enrollment Field (on the Enrollment tabbed area)?
The Cat Dev Enrollment field is an optional field that can be used to provide an estimate of the anticipated enrollment. While it might be useful to have a value in the Cat Dev Enrollment field, actual quarterly projections of enrollment are indicated in the Sched Dev record for the course and section number (by using the Projected Enrollment field and AIS Initial Enrollment field on the Enrollment tabbed area). See the Sched Dev FAQs for information about the Projected Enrollment and AIS Initial Enrollment fields.

Q: A New Major is Being Proposed. What is the Process to Get the New Major Added to the CCLP (so it is listed in Cat Dev on the Major Restrictions popup)?
The Registrar's Office will notify the CCLP Service Manager when the new major and/or proposed major (or minor) has been added to AIS and will request the new major to be added to the CCLP. The CCLP Service Manager will submit a ticket for the new major to be added to the CCLP. Once the new major is added to the CCLP, the CCLP Service Manager will notify affected users that the new major is now available from the CCLP Major Restrictions popup.

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