How to Enter and Submit a TA Batch

Overview of TA Batch Functionality

The CCLP is the campus system where the TA Turnaround data is submitted to the Office of the Registrar. Called the "TA Batch", this functionality runs once per quarter for a specific term and is sent by each department as a separate process from scheduling (see TA Batch Preparation (and Running the TA Batch) for detailed information about how to prepare and run the department's TA Batch. For a view of the TA Batch screens see TA Batch Documentation. The TA Batch is triggered by a department user, and sends the following data to the Office of the Registrar (for all subjects relating to that department):

  • all graduate student TAs on primary sections, for those courses that do not have secondary sections, and

  • all graduate student TAs on secondary sections (or Instructors if they are leading the discussion)

Prior to the TA Batch being sent by a department for a given quarter: TAs do not get sent to the Office of the Registrar via the scheduling batch process or a scheduling one-off process.

TAs may be added, modified or deleted at any time prior to the submission of the TA Batch (no one-off is required). After the TA Batch has been sent by a department for a given quarter, one-offs are required to add or delete TAs on any section.

For those departments with more than one subject area, it is very important to verify that the TA data entry has been completed for each of the subject areas (for the term to be sent in the TA Batch) prior to sending the TA Batch for the department. Sending a TA Batch for a department will send the TA Batch for each of the department's related subject areas.

In order for a TA record to be sent in the TA Batch, the TA's CCLP support record must have a real CruzID (not a temporary CruzID -- one that starts with TMP). Prior to sending the TA Batch you should always first run the TA Turnaround report to verify that:

  • all TAs on courses have real CruzIDs (TAs with temporary CruzIDs will not be sent in the TA Batch). Here are instructions on how to change a temporary CruzID to a real CruzID. Please note that if you change a temporary CruzID to a real CruzID, it takes one day to process the change. You must wait until the next day to send the TA Batch to ensure that the change in CruzID in the CCLP has already been processed otherwise the TA record with the temporary CruzID will not be sent in the TA Batch.

  • courses with secondary sections both have TAs assigned on the TA/CAs tabbed area and have a TA assigned on each secondary section

  • courses without secondary sections have TAs assigned on the TA/CAs tabbed area. TAs that are entered on the TA/CAs tabbed area in Sched Dev will be listed on the TA Turnaround report along with each primary instructor (primary instructors are in boldface type and TAs are not)

Running the TA Turnaround report prior to sending the TA Batch will help you determine your readiness to send the TA Batch. After sending the TA Batch, any incremental additions or deletions to TAs on Sched Dev records or secondary sections will require you to start a one-off.

Special Conditions for Courses With Secondary Sections:

  • If a course has one or more secondary sections, the TA Batch will only send TAs that are on a secondary section (for that course). If the course has secondary sections and there are one or more TAs that are not leading a secondary section but are a TA on the course's primary section, you must add the TA(s) to one secondary section in order for them to be included in the TA Batch (just having the individual on the TA/CAs tabbed area will not include the TA on the TA Batch).
See TA Batch Preparation and How to Run the TA Batch, for specific instructions on how to prepare and review your department's TA data and how to run the TA Batch.

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Adding TAs to Secondary Sections

  1. From Sched Dev - Scheduling Tab open the secondary section popup by clicking on the blue arrow. On a blank row, click on the CruzID field (it is shaded blue).

  2. Select a TA from the list. TAs should have real Cruz IDs not TMP (unless it is for a placeholder). If you don't see your TA listed you, the individual may not be in the Support table or may not be affiliated with the department and subject you are logged in with; see the FAQs on Support.

  3. Click on the Instr Type field and select as appropriate (TA, PI, or CA). CAs are CLP centric and not sent or entered into AIS.

  4. If you wish to add another TA, click the arrow on the blank row and repeat steps 2 and 3. Otherwise skip to step 5.

  5. Click Continue to close the secondary section popup.

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Adding TAs to Classes without Secondary Sections

  1. From Sched Dev, click on the TA/CAs tab. Click on the CruzID field.

  2. Select a TA from the list. If you don't see your TA listed you, the individual may not be in the Support table or may not be affiliated with the department and subject you are logged in with; see the FAQs on Support.

  3. If you have additional TAs or CAs click on the CruzID field of a blank row (repeat steps above).

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TA Batch Preparation (and How to Run the TA Batch)

The TA Batch data being sent to the Office of the Registrar is triggered by a department CCLP user (TA data for each of the department's subject areas will be sent when the department's TA Batch is sent). There are several preparation steps you should follow prior to running the TA Batch to ensure that the TA data is sent correctly to the Office of the Registrar and to reduce unnecessary data-entry workload of TA data.

If a department has additional TA data to enter in the CCLP for a term after its TA Batch has been sent, the CCLP user must first create a one-off. This creates extra work for the CCLP user and for the Office of the Registrar to process the one-offs so it's important for the department to complete the TA data entry and review the TA Turnaround report prior to sending the TA Batch).

Step 1: TA Batch Preparation - Add or Cancel Secondary Sections

Prior to sending the TA Batch, departments should send one-offs to cancel or add any sections. This should be done well in advance of sending the TA Batch; one-offs should not be sent on the same day as sending the TA Batch. Check the report One-offs To Be Sent Tonight (for detailed instructions see TA Batch Preparation Step 3).

Step 2: TA Batch Preparation - Run and Review the TA Turnaround Report

Before sending the TA Batch, it is important to review your TA data entry for each of the department's subject areas. The TA Turnaround report can be very helpful as a tool to identify the completeness of the TA data entry. The following are the steps for running the TA Turnaround report:

  1. Run the TA Turnaround report. To do this, click Reports, select TA Turnaround, select the Term, then click TA Turnaround Report.

  2. Examine the TA Turnaround report and make sure that you have finalized all of your TA assignments and have updated temporary CruzIDs (ones that start with TMP) to have valid Cruz IDs. TAs that have temporary CruzIDs (ones that start with TMP) will not be sent in the TA Batch. If a TA has a temporary Cruz ID, you will want to change their temporary CruzID to a real CruzID before sending the TA Batch. Please note that if you are changing a temporary CruzID you will need to wait at least one day to send the TA Batch; this is because the processing of the temporary CruzID needs to be done at least one day prior to sending the TA Batch.

    Please note that it is fine to send the TA Batch even if a TA does not have an AIS ID listed in their support record. This can happen if the individual does not have their AIS access yet. All TAs listed on the TA Turnaround report should have a real CruzID (as opposed to a temporary CruzID beginning with TMP).

  3. When you are finished reviewing the TA Turnaround report, you can click Continue.

If your department has multiple subjects (for example, LIT has LTCR, LTSP, LTWL etc.) make sure that your TA entry has been completed for all the subjects related to your department prior to sending the TA Batch (this is because the TA data for a department and all of its subjects are sent at the time of the TA Batch). If you have multiple subjects and you try to send the TA Batch you will see a warning dialog box indicating that you should first ensure that all TA data entry has been completed for each of the department's subjects.

Step 3: TA Batch Preparation - Check for One-offs To Be Sent Tonight

After you have reviewed the TA Turnaround Report and before you run the TA Batch, ensure that you do not have any one-offs that will be sent tonight (if you have one-offs to send tonight you will need to wait until the next day to send the TA Batch). To check if you have one-offs that will be sent tonight:

  1. Select Reports, from the CCLP menu.
  2. Select Sched Dev One-Off Reports (this is the first report on the rightmost column of reports).
  3. Select the report One-Offs Sent Tonight.
  4. If there are any courses for the TA Batch term listed, then you should wait until the next day to send your TA Batch. This is because the one-offs need to be processed at least one-day prior to the day you send the TA Batch.
  5. To close the report, click Continue, and then click Cancel.
  6. If there are multiple subjects for the department, go to the Welcome page and login for each department's subject and repeat steps 1 through 5 (of TA Batch Preparation Step 2).

Step 4: Running the TA Batch and Sending It

When you have completed the TA Batch Preparation Steps 1 and 2, you are ready to send the TA Batch for your department and all its subject areas (if the department has multiple subjects). 

  1. Click on the Admin menu, the Send TA Batch screen appears.

  2. From the Send TA Batch screen, note the value of the Batch Qtr to Send.

  3. Click the Send TA Batch Tonight! checkbox. The term in the Batch Qtr to Send column advances to the next term. The TA Batch is sent during the nightly process (it is not sent immediately).

  4. If you change your mind about sending the TA Batch tonight, you can uncheck the checkbox.

  5. Close the window. You will return to the Welcome screen.

The data enters a queue for processing by the Office of the Registrar. Data that has been sent in the TA Batch will appear the following day as a row in the Sent To AIS tabbed area of Sched Dev.

See TA Batch Functionality for more information including screenshots.

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Departments with Multiple Subject Areas

Sending a TA Batch for a department will send the TA Batch for each of the department's related subject areas.

For those departments with more than one subject area, it is very important to verify that the TA data entry has been completed for each of the subject areas (for the term to be sent in the TA Batch) prior to sending the TA Batch for the department. Once the TA Batch is sent for a department, any additional TAs that need to be added (for that term) for any of the department's subject areas will have to be added via a one-off.

If a TA Batch is sent for a department before all the related subject areas have completed their TA data entry this will require an administrative correction to the TA Batch data (in order to avoid creating one-offs for all the yet to be completed TA data entry which would be cumbersome for both the CCLP user and the Office of the Registrar). If you have questions or need support with this please contact Corinne).

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Tracking TA or CA Individual Workload and Cost

For departments to internally keep track of workload and costs for individuals hired as TAs or CAs, the department user should enter TAs and CAs on the TA/CA tab as done in #3 above under Adding TAs to Classes without Secondary Sections and assign the appropriate allocation % and modify the paying department if it is not the same department.

  1. From Sched Dev, click on the TA/CAs tab. Click on the CruzID field.

  2. Select a TA from the list.

  3. Confirm the Allocation % that has been entered, or revise to the correct allocation. TAs have a default allocation of .5 (or 50%).

  4. If you have additional TAs or CAs click on the CruzID field of a blank row (repeat steps above).

The appropriate report is TA Costs.

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  • Instructor information that is being sent in the TA Batch should contain actual Cruz IDs not Temporary Cruz IDs (one's that start with "TMP"). TMP Cruz IDs will result in blank data being received by AIS for that individual. CA information can be added in the CCLP, but it is not sent nor entered into AIS.
  • There is no automatic update of temporary Cruz IDs. You must update the temporary Cruz ID on either the Support or Faculty menu in order for the actual name of the individual to be sent.  Individuals with TMP CruzIDs will go over as blank. For more information see Change a Support Record's Temporary CruzID or Change a Faculty Record's Temporary CruzID.
  • The support record for the TA or CA will ONLY see that course history reflected in the Support menu Current Courses tabbed area for information pertaining to Sched Dev records where the TA or CA information has been entered in the TAs/CAs tabbed area in Sched Dev. Similarly, TA or CA workload and cost information will only be reflected if the TA or CA information has been entered in the TAs/CAs tabbed area in Sched Dev.
  • After the department sends a TA Batch for a term, any additional TAs or CAs that need to be sent to AIS will require the user to create and send a one-off.

See How to Troubleshoot the TA Batch for additional tips on troubleshooting the TA Batch.

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See Also